30 October 2011


Had a movie night with my sis Yvette at MBO Cinema, tesco yesterday.
We watched REAL STEEL and thanked to my sis for treating me the ticket =)

Guys, REAL STEEL is a very AWESOME movie! I would like to recommend you all 
to watch this movie, especially to boys.  
But please remember bring your jacket or outwear because you'll be chilled during watching the movie 
in 2 hours 7 minutes -.-

The robot is called ATOM. It has a function to imitate human's action.

We also bought "You Are the Apple of My Eye" at POPULAR and we got 20% discount.
It's really worth to buy and the movie will be released on 10 Nov but too bad I'm not able
to watch cause I'm still under EIGHTEEN =( *sad*

Another sad thing is my one-week-holidays leave only today TT
School will be reopened tomorrow which means I need to wake up at 6am on weekdays again.
And I still need to continue exam four days more *sigh*

Everyone, Good Luck and Happy School Reopening :D

Next post: Chiko Chiok's Birthday :)

26 October 2011


A-YO ~~~
I'm addicted to SHINee nowadays and keep watching their funny videos via Youtube.
 我完全沦陷了啊 李泰民真的好可爱啊 Hello Baby赞 还剩几集就看完了!
整个假期一直重复着Shopping、Hello Baby、SHINee、Sleep, 过得还蛮充实的。

24 October 2011, Monday

和boyf去One Utama看戏 顺便陪他去MONSOON-id剪头发

是不错看的 但是看到最后心里的OS就是: 啊 这样就结束了?

去Juice Works喝了一杯20ml的超健康Wheatgrass
那个味道就是草(?)的味道 甘苦甘苦的 总之喝了对健康好就是了 XD
喝完了一定要吃掉旁边那一片橙 去掉那甘苦的味道 

在One Utama走了一整天都没有什么收获 没有看中的
看中的又买不下手 没有那种很强烈想买下的欲望(?) 哈 

25 October 2011, Tuesday

和boyf去Midvalley 最主要的目的是他要去NEW YORK SKIN SOLUTION买洗脸产品
然后一整天也是走来走去 从Midvalley走到去Gardens再走回Midvalley
最后就在Juice Works那里巧遇素丽咏恩 她们两个一起拍我的背 
哈哈 我有一度不想转过头的感觉 怕是坏人的感觉 一转过头就是SHOCK的感觉
她们两个还穿情侣装的说 然后就跟着她们一起走了

最后她们赶着去KL Sentral找工就先走了 剩下我和boyf
然后我们就继续走我们的 去THE GUITAR COLLECTION买guitar pick


然后就在我们刚好下电梯的时候 就这么刚好看到虾仔经过
起初还以为遇到一个很像虾仔的人很神奇 但是认真一看旁边那三位怎么这么眼熟
哈哈哈 原来是Chiok Ck Hoe 还有 Wai Hong XDDD
我和boyf就走去他们的后面 他们还是没有发现到 一直到我们拍他们的背

原来在shopping centre遇到自己的朋友是这样的感觉啊
真的有种“这个世界真是小”的感觉 一天就遇到6个朋友了 哈 
苹果乐园已经全员出动 只剩wuli大队在家 可怜的队队啊 =P
现在想起我们忘了拍认证照啊 如果下次有机会再遇到一定要啊!

这个世界真是小之巧遇记 끝 :)

22 October 2011

My Confession

我必须承认 我的确是长了一张比同年龄少女成熟的脸
我的天 足足大了几岁 我真的只是一个16岁的女生 虽说今年也快结束了 ==

一直以来都很懊恼 自己长了一张很成熟的脸 去到那儿都有人会误会我的年龄 
而且当他们知道我只有16岁时 还会露出很不可思议的表情 ((夸张
其实长了一张成熟的脸也没有什么不好 但是以前13、14岁的时候真的很懊恼
懊恼着要怎样才能看到比较像同年龄的女生 发型要怎样 穿着要怎样等等...

以前尝试过把刘海剪成齐刘海 但是只有那一点一点的效果 始终还是有人误会
穿着也不敢太成熟 都是上身Simple-Tee下身短裤 不过结果还是一样 -.-
所以到最后我终于开窍了 或许我就是要走“成熟”这条路。
我喜欢的东西都是偏成熟的, 简单大方; 颜色也是深色系 而且很喜欢卡其色

现在就什么都不理啦 就索性走好我这条“成熟”的路线 XD
如果有人误会我的年龄 都一笑置之算了 成熟点也没什么不好 稳重(?)点吧
姐姐就经常说她以前16多岁的时候也是一样让人误会她的年龄 但是
随着她慢慢长大 样子却没什么变 直到她现在20多岁 那些人反而会误会她才19岁

哈 所以我也要保持这样 等到我20岁就不会再有人有这样的想法了 =P

不再做无谓的抗拒 面对现实 走好我“成熟”的这条路 =D
我弱小的心灵已经从被无数次的伤害 变坚强了.. ㅋㅋㅋ 

21 October 2011

Sis Yvette's Birthday!

16 October 2011, Sunday
My beloved sister - Yvette's birthday!
*Phewwww* Finally I'm able to update my blog after I've been suffering in exam for 9 days.
And it's not over yet!! I still need to sit for 9 papers after 10-day-holiday *sad*

Sis Yvette in her new outfit and carried my satchel which I bought from PULL AND BEAR last time.
Captured this picture before she was going out with her friends for her birthday 
celebration on 14 October.

15 October 2011

My Happiest Moment

People say "Music is the heart of our soul". I absolutely agree.
When I play my guitar, all my problems and sorrow just disappears =)
Playing guitar always makes me feel relax, calm and HAPPY.

MUSIC definitely changed my life. I had always wanted to learn guitar since last year.
Eventually, I have the opportunity to learn guitar on August.
I listen to different genre of songs and become more hardworking than before since I learned guitar.

This was my happiest moment.
I felt happy and smiled from the bottom of my heart while I was playing my guitar.

I smiled brightly when I got my first guitar which I named it Netta.

Pictures express many words. I love photography because it helps us to preserve
happy memories that we wish could last forever.

Everyone, lets enjoy Happy Photography! Just shoot it! =D

I just throw myself in "Happy Photography" Contest :)

10 October 2011


Went to One Utama again with my boyf after my account tuition.
Hmm.. actually the tuition class was until 12pm but I went back earlier at 11am =P

We went to Dragon-i directly once we arrived at One Utama because I was hungry
like hell. I didn't take my breakfast before going to tuition =(
After having our brunch, we visited PULL AND BEAR, the clothing store we used to go.
I love their costume design, they are unique and elegant.

Boyf bought this belted trench from PULL AND BEAR which costs RM300++  
for our Taiwan trip on 25 Nov.

I bought a basic buttoned neck t-shirt and we got a free gift-bag =)
My next target is high-waist shorts, I have spotted it at TOPSHOP.

Boyf's mom gave a nipple-shaped necklace to me when she fetched us back from One Utama.
He said nipple-shaped necklace was meaningful to his mother therefore 
the necklace was custom-made for me 0.0
All I could do is to become a good home tutor for his little brother.

I'm currently learning Falling Slowly. 

but not as difficult as he was playing la. I'm still a newbie at playing guitar. I just started learning 
guitar from August but I practice guitar everyday. Practice makes perfect, right? xdd

Goshhhh.. I'm having Chemistry paper 3 on coming Wednesday 
but what am I doing right now? *May God bless me *


9 October 2011

Sungha Jung

I'm totally attracted by a 15-year-old acoustic guitarist from South Korea.
Guess who is it? Yes, he is SUNGHA JUNG who is very popular in Korea even entire world.
I just can't stop myself from watching his video clips on YouTube.
He is super duber awesome! I wonder when will I become as expert as he is =P

And guess what? He is coming to Malaysia to have a concert on 4th December!!!
The concert will be held at UCSI South Wing Campus, for more info: CLICK

Tickets to Sungha Jung Live in KL concert are priced at RM83, RM103, and RM153 (ticket prices is
inclusive of RM3 ticketing fee) and are on sale now at all TGS outlets and TicketPro outlets.
There is an outlet of  The Guitar Store located at Kepong which is the nearest outlet from my house.

Who would like to go with me? =D
Oh my dearest boyf, would you go with me and purchase the ticket for me? xdd

That's all for this post. End with (Yiruma) Kiss the rain by Sungha Jung. Lets enjoy it =)

p/s: This video clip was recorded when Sungha Jung was 14 years old.


8 October 2011

Days passed

与外界隔绝已久 我终于回来了。
啊啊啊啊  我 真 的 很 很 很 落 伍 了 ==
全部消息都是从姐姐、宝贝、朋友那边知道的 悲哀~

一个月没有更新了 浏览量大减!TT