26 August 2011

my new baby ♡

Seems like I have been so long time didn't update my blog.
The last time I blogged was last Saturday. No doubt. I just can update my blog during weekend.
This is because I'm so so busy during weekdays, a lot of things I need to do *sigh*

And guess what? I got myself a guitar!

my new baby 

Thanks to boyf's mom for buying this guitar for me! =D
My guitar teacher is currently teaching me "Happy Birthday" song. He said this was the first song that his teacher taught him. HAHA. And my finger tips feel pain when I press the string.
No pain no gain, I need to practise more and more to become better.

That's all for this post. Just a little update today.
I'll be back to blog more because it's HOLIDAYS! Happy Holiday to you all and enjoy your holidays.
Don't just stay at home and face to your computer, get out from your house and breathe fresh air.

Music is my soul :)

20 August 2011


Went jogging at Desa Park City with my friends this morning.
Xuan and me arrived at 6++ and we jogged about 15 minutes while waiting for
Chiok, Wai Hong and Minh Kuok because they walked to DPC, pity guys =P


So sad we couldn't play at playground because it is under maintenance until end of this month.
After that, we chit-chat while waiting for Xuan's dad to fetch us back home.

Jogging makes me feel good though it is tiring =)

Ahhh... I'm hungry and craving for Starbucks and sandwich now!! 

Mocha Ice Blended and Sandwich that I had on last Sunday >_<

Will be going to have steamboat as dinner with my classmates tonight.
Guys, lets enjoy our day!! ^^

You are my happiness ♥

12 August 2011

30 Hour Famine

6 August - 7 August 2011

体验了我没体验过的 经历了我没经历过的 度过了很有意义的两天一夜

9 August 2011

Har Zai's Birthday!


5 August 2011 

8月5 wuli可爱担当虾仔的生日啦!!!
由于我们经常光临的Kays Garden搬走了 所以这次就去RAKUZEN
我只叫了两个Kappa Maki 因为隔天就要去饥饿30了 要提早适应一下

吃了几个下去才发觉我要叫的并不是这个 结果剩下的给宝贝 吃完
然后我就去叫我最爱的Salmon Maki XDD

解决了肚子 我们一面等Li来一面走走 我们去了楼上的乐器店看看

虾仔去看了他很想要的白色Acoustic Guitar 我们几个都会心一笑
我们送他的礼物正是白色的Acoustic Guitar!!! =P

Li到了过后, 我们就兵分两路 女生去拿蛋糕 男生就去公园走走
拿了蛋糕后 我们就去Coffee Bean找位子坐下

然后就call他们来这里 这样的那样过后就是送虾仔礼物啦~
其实我们一早就把送虾仔的白色吉他放在Coffee Bean那里
可爱的虾仔看到吉他袋的时候还以为我们送他羽球拍(?) ==
不过当他知道是白色吉他过后 整个就shock到了 开心吧你 XD

这把白色的Acoustic Guitar可以说是集合了所有人的力量买的
有我, 宝贝, Xuan, En, Li, Chiok, Mk, 大康, 小康, Benroy, Bryan, Shu Nee,
Qian Yee, Rui Yuan, Kim Sin, Kah Hoe, Chuan Sheng一起送的 =D
啊哈哈哈哈 没办法 uli虾仔的人气就是这么高!!

然后叫了咖啡和Yogurt 我们就一直聊天聊到11++才归家
Had a nice day with you all!!! =D

送虾仔的白色吉他和一些照片在丽那里 等她上传了我再share出来 :)

Stay tuned for my next post, 30 Hour Famine =)